Vertigo Dreams Forum

Vertigo Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Vertigo climbing dream

    Emily - Friday, March 4, 2016

    I dreamt I was climbing a mountain with my boyfriend. I had a guide leading us and as I began to follow the trail and steps I felt vertigo. I fought my way to the top and still had fear of looking down to the city from the summit. I asked my boyfriend if we can go back He said yes and then I was told for the next hike we would need crampons and snowshoes which would happen the next day. I found myself in my boyfriend's old home with him and my little sister (who is 28 years old). His old home was fairly empty given that he moved in with me. There were only alcohol bottles and empty glasses left. My sister began immediately to judge him as an alcoholic. I defended him saying that he wasn't one and the fact showed some of the bottles were full and that it was all abandoned from his previous life. My sister and I fought and I accused her of being an alcoholic when she drinks with her friends everyday. She left crying I was mad and stormed out of the house. I found myself in my house in South America and a huge party was thrown by my sister. I was mad at her and yet I wanted to talk. My boyfriend was with me but in all the commotion we were separated. I was growing anxious trying to find my sister and my boyfriend. I heard a crowd sing happy birthday but I did not see her and then I woke up.

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