Tortoise Dreams Forum

Tortoise Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Dream of Tortoise

    Richa jain - Saturday, March 12, 2016

    I have seen the two tortoise one in white and another in brown together with this I have seen lord parasnath and the temple.

  • Medium size Tortoise

    Kim - Friday, February 12, 2016

    Medium size Tortoise took a little run and jump - over an embankment/ridge in the dream

  • A huge tortoise head dream meaning?

    Nolan - Friday, February 6, 2015

    I recognized two ladies: one elderly and white, wiry haired. They were relaxed strolling at the stream's sandy shore beside a wilderness of tropical plants, trees and bamboo. The more youthful lady discovered a tortoise and lifted it up. Her expectation was to take it out of hurt's way. Quickly a substantial tortoise, the span of a little auto, rush the two terrified ladies. The crazed tortoise knocked over the old lady and was going to nibble her.

    I some way or another had the capacity get over the stream in time to spare her. I lifted her up and ran with the other lady to their home. As I turned rapidly to close the entryway, a tremendous tortoise head was snapping and ripping at to get in. I could see its eyes moving with each one snap. I commandingly hammered the entryway on its head a few times lastly it surrendered and went on its way, however we were hesitant to go out for a long while feeling that it was covering up in the wilderness development laying in hold up.

    There was a great deal more to the dream, yet this was the main part that struck me. At whatever point I dream things so strikingly, I think about whether I should take in something from them. What does it mean?

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