Tears Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Tears Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Tears Dream Meaning:

To dream of tears means, to weigh, sadness and depression before situations that are to arrive and you need to solve. Tears in your eyes in a dream predict the pressure of somebody against your person or your things to impede a commercial action or of you business. Dreaming of the tears of the cry of baby it alerts to pay attention to all contact or business that it signs in these days. If you dreams of tears running for your reflective wife's cheeks that it will owe check the last closed commercial contacts to avoid errors or bad irreversible financial handlings.

Not often, when the dream refers to tears in your eyes it will mean a positive event that will arrive and it will surprise you. Alone it should control your emotions then the tears in this case they will be of happiness.

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Tears Dreams

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