Star Wars Dreams Forum

Star Wars Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Star Wars

    Abi - Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    I was the padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi and friends with Ahsoka Tano. I was the commander of the 212th Legion and worked with Anakin. During a battle, Dooku stabbed me in the heart. as I collapsed to the ground, ARC Trooper Fives, caught me in his arms before I drew my last breath... Or so I thought. I woke up crying and screaming. Obi-Wan came rushing in and tried to comfort me but it didn't work. Anakin and Ahsoka tried but they couldn't. When Fives came in he hugged me and I felt safe. He was ordered to stay with me. Throughout the night, I kept having nightmares of him dying. I kept waking up in tears but he reassured me and stayed close to me. I had feelings for him.

  • Star Wars Rebels

    Wayre - Thursday, February 25, 2016

    I was in front of my house, wearing my sister's new Dark Side jacket I made for her when some Stormtroopers ran by, chasing Ezra and Sabine, two of the rebels. One of the Stormtroopers called out to me, "Hey you! Come help me steal some of those rebels' stuff!" I took two of the smallest boxes that hadn't been crushed from the battle that took place earlier. Two days later, I found myself walking up to the rebels' new hideout, holding the boxes. I touched what looked like the entrance, and someone on the other side growled, and the door opened. Frightened, I crept inside, the door slamming shut behind me. I made my way through the hallway and entered the common room, where, to my alarm, were the crew of the well-known Ghost spaceship: Hera, Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper. They all looked at me, then Hera spoke. "It's Wayre, right?" Numb, I nodded. Hera continued. "I see you've got something with you, may we take a look?" I handed her the boxes nervously. Kanan looked in the boxes and gasped; so did everyone else, and Sabine thanked me many times. Then, Chopper muttered,"Thief", and my eyes filled with tears, and I wanted to disappear. Seeing this, Kanan told him to apologise, which he did reluctantly. Noticing my tears, Ezra gave me a hug and whispered in my ear,"Don't listen to Chopper. He's only a robot, and a really grumpy one at that. He doesn't know what selflessness is, but you do. You could have done anything with what you took, but you chose to return it to its rightful owners", finishing in talking volume. "Did you even know what was inside it?" Sabine asked. I shook my head. "no" Looking inside the boxes, I saw they contained the rebels' most important items: their lightsabers and blasters. "Whoa" I exclaimed. Smiling, Kanan and the others thanked me just as an alarm began going off. It was my school alarm.

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