To dream of the sirens and their sound expressed constant irreversible dangers, desires non contents, interior fears and loss of the senses. The sirens mean a situation or a problem that it gives tension or concern, a sound that it bewitches and that it makes lose the correct address. If you dream of the sirens during a fire in your neighborhood you will feel the pressure or the desire of leaving to all your family for an enormous debt that contracted since six months in a disordered way. Dreaming of the sirens that warn of the arrival of a Nazi bombing you should maintain all your senses in tension for the possible arrival from a complex situation to your family or business in the next days.
Therefore, the sirens in a dream could reflect uncontrolled desires or general disorder with difficulties to be broken or changed. This dream is a good alert to maintain temptations or excesses far difficult to dominate consciously with your hands.
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