Shave Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Shave Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Shave Dream Meaning:

To dream of shave with razor means that you will plan the strategic development of some companies, nevertheless, these companies will fail for not being able to generate the enough energy that can take them to term with success. If you dream of shave with blades it is a possible warning about impostors that will defraud him. Dreaming of a brush of shave predicts that one will have domain and control on the goods, business and matters of the home although the presence of bitterness can cause you difficulties. A machine of shaving electric in a dream it symbolizes serenity, although your partners can criticize your performances.

Moreover, if you dream of shave your face it means loss of goods, of distinctions or of health. If the razor used to shave is without edge and you throw from the skin when happening it indicates that they will be given valid causes to the friends to be criticized in private matters.

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Shave Dreams

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