To dream of a person praying means to consult your problems and to give thanks to God as well as to trust the quality and power of your positive statements as individual. Praying is symbolized to open the soul and the heart to the better, to be welcomed to a credo and to treat to the people that you like them to treat to you. If you dream of somebody praying solitary in a great temple or church you should be patient with the fellow being as the colleagues, friends and relative. Dreaming of somebody praying in a park of your community is omened the arrival from somebody to your neighborhood that will offer you support, peace and true friendship soon.
Thus, this kind of dream is very positive and guides if you are allowed to take independently for your heart with a lot of love and peace of your necessities. It can also suggest to be shown devote to the prayer in your interior unspoken or soul the possible biggest time only to give thanks.
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