Police Car Dreams Forum
Police Car Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers
Military Patrol Vehicles
Injection - Wednesday, March 30, 2016
I saw over two hundred empty military patrol vehicles packed all over, surrounding the house we were staying. It was more like a barrack. I was crying about the hardships people will encounter because it seems there was a curfew. As I was still lamenting, a soldier passed by armed with a long gun and did not say a word to me. I then thanked God that our situation is not as bad as those in Maiduguri. I was wondering how they manage to survive before I woke up.
Police car
Mindy - Friday, February 26, 2016
I was standing in what seemed to be a framed area looking out and a patrol car swooped up in front of me at an angle suddenly all I saw of it was the front of the vehicle and it's lights from where I was standing I could not see the whole car I appeared to be in a frame or a wall next to me blocking that view...I was alerted to it but not alarmed...and then no more dream
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