Peter Pan Dreams Forum

Peter Pan Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Peter Pan in my dream

    Andrea - Saturday, April 9, 2016

    It started off in a preschool at night, my family was there and my brother and sister in-law brought two babies that were apparently there's. My sister and I were playing with the babies and then my sister, cousin, and I wanted to play banker ball so we went to the court and started playing. On the court right next to ours, two guys and Peter Pan were playing basket ball and we ended up playing all together. Then we ended up going to a play thing about Disney characters. It was my mom, my step-dad, my sister, and me. Peter Pan was on the stage and called up my sister and me to get the chips and needle that you needed. After we got that we sit back down and they told everyone to relax and close our eyes and they had people who would go around and prick your finger on the needle. After that I ended up going to a field that was on an island and Peter Pan was there and he was telling me that he loves me and he won't leave me ever and then he took me to a waterpark for a birthday party and was watching over me the whole time. I have no idea what that means or if it even means anything.

  • The boy like Peter Pan

    Hanna - Thursday, April 7, 2016

    My first dream was me lying down in my bed waking up to a boy flying across my window like Peter Pan and I say you are real!!! Then I was in the hallway of my house and my parents were talking and I saw him again but trying to hear what they were saying I said boy? Then my dream popped up in my mom room saying that he was a old friend of hers and that I was adopted then I woke up. My second dream was me at Neverland walking with the boy and me always looking down the cliff into he crystal water seeing a reflection of a ship and finally I was standing somewhere and the boy was walking up to me then I ran a dove into the water yelling come find me... Then I said Hanna Pierce and he said what then I said remember and Hanna Pierce is my real name

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