Narcotics Dreams Forum
Narcotics Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers
Do you believe in Narcotics?
Gabby - Tuesday, April 19, 2016
I cant remember it very detailed, but I could remember some parts. So the location was at my neighbors house, which is also my uncle and aunties house. These scientists were showing me and someone else some of their experiments and one of them was a undead man in a box that they said who turned out like this because he ate something contaminated. We were about, but one of the scientists were closing up the lab and accidently locked us in. We got the keys, though, and got out to the car. On our way to the car, on of the scientists was freaking out that something is going to happen to us. Then we looked up and there was something in the sky that was moving like a centipede and shooting things here on earth. It came down and was driving up the caldissac. It was one carX so the centipede looking thing probably broke apart into cars. I ran to the house and a person came out of the car and asked "do you believe in narcotics" I didn't answer but I ran. I ran to the other side of the house and the same person appeared there and asked again "do you believe in Narcotics?". I ran passed him and jumped the fence. Then for some reason my dream jumped to another location. It looks like a mall and this lady was all dressed up, it looks like she was on her way to doing a show as a job. She then gets approached by two women, one looking exactly like her. She then gets taken away. By this time I forced myself to wake up, it felt so real and after I woke up my eyes felt like they did a lot of work.
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