Medusa Dreams Forum

Medusa Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Fighting Medusa

    Josedreamer - Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Medusa was chasing me then I turned around and started fist fighting with her, and defeated her...

  • Medusa Dream

    Meme - Saturday, March 19, 2016

    A few years ago I woke in a fright but I can't remember my dream. All I can remember is feeling like I was being shaken awake and once I started regaining consciousness I felt paralysed but I was physically moving side to side as if I had been shaken awake. Burnt into my vision (eyes both open and closed) was a static image of what I can only describe as an angry medusa's head. Once I woke further I was able to shake my head and shake away the feeling of being held and the picture burnt into my view.

  • Snake and Medusa

    Lza - Saturday, February 13, 2016

    Dreaming that I ask the medium size of snake to go back to medusa which is medusa in inside the room.

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