McDonalds Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

McDonalds Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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McDonalds Dream Meaning:

To dream of McDonald's may represent situations in your life that encourage pleasure or comfort. Often a dream symbol that reflects sexual experiences, financial success, or anything happening in your life that is really enjoyable. The dream also suggests that you are living large. Perhaps the dream is telling you to expand your thinking or horizons. Supersize it!

To dream of McDonalds or any fast food restaurant, is about the need to speed up your digestive system. Fast food is a symbolic antidote to a sluggish digestive system. To emphasize the healing. A dream of McDonald's may indicate that you are worried about not getting proper nutrition. Alternatively, if you do not like McDonalds, then the dream may be indicative of something in your life that is unhealthy. More directly, the dream may just mean you are hungry.

Negatively, dreaming about McDonald's restaurant may be a sign that you are addicted to pleasure in some way that may have long-term consequences. Feeling that life should have too easy no matter what even when it may come with personal costs or is hurting others feelings. Choosing to feel good all the time avoiding work or discipline.

To dream of working at McDonald's may represents perfectly catering to others enjoyment. You or someone else that is doing whatever it takes to make others feel good never having to lose at all.

Negatively, working at McDonald's may reflect feelings of being used by others to have a really good time. Feeling that you are a loser that has to make other people enjoy their lives no matter what.

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McDonalds Dreams

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