Mannequins Dreams Forum

Mannequins Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Why are mannequins here?

    Kellie - Thursday, February 11, 2016

    My mom and I found a townhouse that were connected to other townhouses so we decided to look inside. And for some reason we were carrying packed bags with us, as if we were going somewhere. We went inside and the furniture was covered in white cloth; this is where I saw the mannequins. They were super tall and slim, almost alien-like and it looked like they were posing in each room as if they were living there. I was beginning to feel very creeped out by it and I wanted to get out of that house. My mom insisted on going downstairs into the basement so we did and there was a door that led to underground tunnels. The tunnels were like hallways and those hallways/tunnels led to more rooms. And those rooms looked exactly like the ones from upstairs in the townhouse. Same covered furniture and same alienesque mannequins. Then at the end of the tunnel, there was steps leading to a door. And that door led to an underground train which had a small sidewalk where you can walk beside the train rails.

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