Landslide Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Landslide Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Landslide Dream Meaning:

A landslide in a dream suggests that you need to work on your emotional stability and your fear of change. You are on the verge of emotional overload. Your emotions are erupting in an unexpected or violent way.

The landslide can also foretell a pleasant encounter ahead.

The landslide in your dream may also represent the anxieties, worries, and responsibilities you carry in life.

The dream may also symbolize the stresses in your life and all the responsibilities that rest on your shoulders. This dream also indicates the need for you to start looking after yourself, and to maybe treat yourself to a new set of clothes or take someone away on holiday.

Alternatively, dreaming a landslide may reflect an overwhelming or unexpected change of events.

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Landslide Dreams

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