The shades of kneeling during a dream are interesting. To bend the knee remembers the physical collapse of the body before accidental news. To rest the body on the knees symbolizes prayer, adoration and respect. To fall to knees an immediate reaction of the body in the face of unpleasant information. However, kneeling during a dream represents adoration, veneration, defeat orfatigue generally. Dreaming that you are kneeling before something luminous or a defunct dear relative it represents your protection application and useful advice before complex future actions. If in this type of dream you an uncomfortable and crushing environment you will be attentive to your steps to avoid the loss of their status, the increment of the administrative control or the substitution of your position.
You can be mentally or physically tired, but you should not surrender hence. You should assume the action of kneeling like a way to stimulate their mind to the adoration of the experience that you have transmitted for you or that you possess. Kneeling will impel you to look for opportunities before a possible fall in your life.
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