Ice Sculpture Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Ice Sculpture Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Ice Sculpture Dream Meaning:

To dream of an ice sculpture is indicative of an unreachable fantasy or of something elaborated with your own hands but with an ephemeral life. An ice sculpture symbolizes something valuable that is wasted, something fool for somebody but very grateful with the step of the time. If you dream of an ice sculpture presented in a table of a buffet of a restaurant you will be able to introduce your project to the bosses but don't worry if it will be approved or not, only make it. Dreaming of a ice sculpture that you carve in your home it omens near success for your hard work in the last years.

Moreover, put all your fantasy and imagination in the work and in your house to strengthen the premonitions of this kind of dream. An ice sculpture is a sign of the arrival of an idea that will give you impulse and prosperity that it will revive your desires.

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Ice Sculpture Dreams

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