Houses Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Houses Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Houses Dream Meaning:

To dream of a house represents your mindset or perspective on a situation. Your take on the experience of current conditions. Beliefs or feelings that you are comfortable with. Your view of an experience that is familiar to you. Your opinion or beliefs about a situation that has become normal to you.

Negatively, a house may reflect a belief system or habit that you take for granted.

The type of house is symbolic for how you are thinking about a particular issue. The condition of the house reflecting your mental state as you experience something. Rich houses symbolize your perspective on issues where you are powerful and resourceful.

Poor houses represent your perspective on issues where you are powerless or emotionally weakened.

To dream of a house being on fire represents feelings of powerlessness to stop some area of your life from being lost for good. It may also reflect angry destructive intentions or intentional harm that can't be stopped. Feeling stupid that you can't do anything about stopping damage to some area of your life. A situation may feel permanently out of your control in a negative way.

To dream of buying a house represents your commitment to integrating something into your life. Choosing to make something be normal for you. Alternatively, it may mean that you have worked really hard to earn something. Negatively, buying a new house may mean that you'd made a mistake that you're stuck with.

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Houses Dreams

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