Glass Slipper Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Glass Slipper Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Glass Slipper Dream Meaning:

To dream of a glass slipper represents the change to the abundance, the step to something superior or an individual great honesty. A glass slipper symbolizes creativity in the work, force in the love and decision in all honest action. If you dream of a glass slipper hidden in a closet of your garage you will be able to trust and to enjoy of the love of your couple without a some doubt. Dreaming of a glass slipper abandoned in the back yard of your house it omens prosperity and abundance material and spiritual for you and the family for many years.

Therefore, this type of dream has a charming and magic meaning to transform everything or almost everything in an incredible way when confirming or to change many things. Also, it could indicate that you are able to solve or to fix all privation, limitation or obstacle.

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Glass Slipper Dreams

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