Father Dreams Forum

Father Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • My father and my current close relationship

    Emy - Saturday, January 30, 2016

    I dreamed last night about my father who had died a long time ago, i dream that we are looking a store where we can supposed to buy something, he shows a list of an item. Then suddenly we saw a store and we need to climb up to be there in that store when we came in there its a narrow place inside surrounded many different products,i saw a pair of shoes, then we need to go down by jumping, then we found the grocery there and my father bought a soap, then he's asking me how much the cost of my grocery then he gave me a five hundred pesos. My next dream after the first one is im with my current close relationship who's 19 years older than me, in my dream we are having a dinner then suddenly his daughter came up, he introduce me to her daughter while her daughter showing her project to her father, when i looked at the paper i saw a blue ocean, and shells. What is that my dreams all about means?

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