To dream of the emptiness indicates a person or relative absence very dear, lack of intuition or creativity to survive or to have an objective in the life to have carried out efforts in vain. The emptiness symbolizes recompense lack in the life, depression or fatigue for not obtaining material results or some recognition. If you dream of the emptiness that feels with the lost of work, home and food sure you should be prepared to face an economic difficult situation in the personal and family that will take you time to solve. Dreaming of the emptiness that feels when seeing a well-known person that no accompanies you it expresses the nostalgia of you for a person, a friend or family very near that always offered support and advice to you permanently.
Of course, the necessity or the sadness accompany this type of dream that returns to the past to recapture your experiences in that private or the public things. It is advisable in this type of dream not to affect your state of spirit, your work or the attention to your family for that reason at the moment.
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