Dreams Meanings Starting with Y

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Y Letter

    Dreaming of the Y letter is represented the total rest on something very persistent, the security of possessing a valuable object or the care of a vital entity...

  • Yacht

    To see in a dream a yacht symbolizes luxury, pleasure and wealth in the near future for all that that you work hard and without stopping...

  • Yachts

    To dream of yachts means the desire to avoid your responsibilities that prevent you to enjoy the type of life that you want...

  • Yahoo

    Free online dream interpretation of Yahoo. Understand the meaning of Yahoo in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Yahoo dream.

  • Yak

    To dream of a yak is a representation of your seriousness and singularity, of your force and indefatigable will to take until the end all that you intend...

  • Yaks

    To dream of yaks represents force, vitality and Tibetan magic for you and your family very soon...

  • Yam

    To see or consume yams in your dream connote exotic nature and virility...

  • Yankee

    To dream of a Yankee represents the proximity of an exchange, a debate or a conflict between people that possess big aspirations...

  • Yantra

    To dream of Yantra is an image of the more noteworthy workings of your cognizant existence...

  • Yard

    To dream of a yard very clean and care means a reflection of your present and future with a great prosperity and security...

  • Yard Sale

    If you dream of a yard sale it represents that you will face a very lucrative matter that you will bring you a firm and sure change in your private matters...

  • Yard Stick

    To dream of a yard stick means a decision or an important confirmation to something that worries or questions to the personal matters or of business...

  • Yarmulke

    To dream of a yarmulke (of Yiddish) or kippa (of Hebrew) the person is connected conscious or unconsciously with a spiritual internal force; it could serve it as guide in the daily life at this time...

  • Yarmulkes

    To dream of yarmulkes or ritual Jewish caps represents an approach or a confirmation to your beliefs or religious, ethical or philosophical considerations...

  • Yarn

    To dream of the yarn represents creativity and connection, elaboration and production like resource that it multiplies your wide possibilities...

  • Yawning

    Yawning dream implies a disease or burden...

  • Year

    To dream of a year specific is a sign of nostalgia, memory or desire of enjoying an important event in the life again...

  • Yearbook

    To dream of a yearbook indicates that the achievements reached in your life can have an indispensable resonance in the life of your children...

  • Yearn

    To dream of yearn something represents something stimulant or charming that will be received by means of a gift or a personal prize...

  • Yearning

    To dream of a yearning represents a great desire, the obtaining of something that doesn't possess in an area of your life or to achieve the normality in your daily activities...

  • Years

    Years in dreams can muddled and are generally utilizing the numerology...

  • Yeast

    To dream of yeast is a suspicion of something unexpected that is arriving to your labor life and that nobody imagines...

  • Yelling

    To dream of somebody yelling is expression of anger and hate retained by a problem or for the stress caused by the upset life of the present time...

  • Yellow

    The yellow color in a dream represents to notice something attractiveness and strange, to feel something valuable and risky or to discover that you think in a particular way...

  • Yellow Bird

    To dream of a yellow bird announces opposed approaches...

  • Yes

    To dream of the yes, as expression, it points out opportune statement, support and security in all the things like recognition of the right here and the right now before the universe...

  • Yesterday

    To dream of something happened yesterday is suggesting that you can have forgotten, made or overvalued something very recently...

  • Yeti

    To dream of the yeti implies a necessity to learn and to balance the work of your team in a sensible and reasonable way...

  • Yew Tree

    To dream of a yew tree implies the death and the bereavement, the tradition and the life what implies to maintain care the yew tree for tradition in many countries...

  • Yield

    To dream of a yield in a field very big and green it represents a situation that will provide you a lot of happiness and benefits very soon...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 43

Y Letter, Yacht, Yachts, Yahoo, Yak, Yaks, Yam, Yankee, Yantra, Yard, Yard Sale, Yard Stick, Yarmulke, Yarmulkes, Yarn, Yawning, Year, Yearbook, Yearn, Yearning, Years, Yeast, Yelling, Yellow, Yellow Bird, Yes, Yesterday, Yeti, Yew Tree, Yield, Dreams Meanings Starting with Y

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.