Dreams Meanings Symbols between Navy and New
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To dream of being in the navy represents domain of all complex situation, to exercise authority or to stay informed of all that happens...
Dreaming of a visit Nazi in your town is omened a person's that has always offered a service in your work bad intentions...
To dream of Nazis walking down the street of your house means that it should be very careful for not finishing in the one on the way to the wrong and the vengeance...
To dream of a nearsighted indicates that some personal efforts will concentrate on the objectives or desires more important of the family in short term...
To dream of a neat place represents the necessity of cleaning and of organization of several aspects or issues of your life...
To dream of the neck points out the solution of a communication problem, the guarantee of a carried out work or to sustain for long time the economy of the whole family...
To dream of a necklace symbolizes domain and control of the personal important matters linked with the health, the family and the work...
The dream with a necktie symbolizes the problems without solving or possible to solve with those that you will get ready them right now...
To dream of a necromancer symbolizes the challenges and dangers of an incorrect action or the error of a decision that it will possibly damage a person...
To dream of the nectar of the flowers means hope, illusion and happiness at this time in your existence...
To dream of the need of the poor means that it should visit your bank in these days to revise your finances...
To dream of a needle means the necessity to solve or to repair something that should be used or somebody that needs to improve an action...
Dreaming with negatives of several pictures is omened a feeling that will be able to take form in the reality and to damage your interior peace...
Dreaming of a negligee in a youth is omened a casual encounter with an old relationship and passion...
To dream of negotiate represents the search of a helped balance of something or of somebody that eliminated doubts and it will stimulate new ideas...
To dream of a neighbor means the satisfaction, the help, the collaboration or the serenity in your family or in your house...
Dreaming of a neighborhood is represented the union and the help between your colleagues, friends and relatives through your friendly behavior with them...
Neon Light
To dream of the light of neon that lights the portal of your house means the arrival to a sophisticated place and make happy for your enjoyment with near friends...
To dream of a nephew represents the expression of a favorable condition in the person that allows be accepting or including in something charitable...
To dream of Neptune symbolizes the enthusiasm, the imagination, and the force of the nature that it to express with a total and only balance...
Dreaming of a nerd very capable is represented the fear of being unable or inferior to your colleagues of the company during many years...
To dream of nerds means the premonition of some very good opportunities of work and linked to the study or the science...
To dream of being nervous means that your future commitments won't be successful and you should take measures in this respect...
Nervous Breakdown
To dream of a nervous breakdown demonstrates the position of to lose everything or to take a life stopped worrying in all your matters, including the familiars...
Dreaming of a nest is represented the security, the family and the house protector of everything and of everybody...
Dreaming of the net of computer services is represented the proximity of something that will control your life, your activities and your feelings...
Dreaming of the Netherlands mean your attitude is to dependably with preoccupation...
Dreaming of nettles is expressed the manifestation of several issues very contradictories that happen very soon...
Dreaming of a neurosurgeon is alerted soon of possible suffering of your central nervous system...
To dream of something new it means the arrival of a baby or an unexpected member fortunately in the family...
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