Dreams Meanings Symbols between Magpie and Manners

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Magpie

    To dream of a magpie means to measure your words or interventions before other people starting from right now...

  • Magpies

    To dream of the magpies represents the opportunism, the dishonesty and the talkative excess of some people...

  • Mahjong

    To dream of a mahjong in development means the route of the life with their advances and their continuous setbacks...

  • Maid

    To dream of a maid means the existence of small current problems of easy solution...

  • Maids

    To dream of maids of a deluxe hotel in your dream means to make contact with the conscience, to lift the sense of the intuition and to maintain the private or family matters secretly...

  • Mail

    To dream of the postal mail of your city is means the arrival of good news of somebody distant but very dear for the family...

  • Mailbox

    To dream of a mailbox predicts the arrival of a next message, a pleasant gift or the track of something positive to obtain for you...

  • Mailman

    To dream of a mailman could represent the methods that you use to speak about important information or the form in that you administer your goods...

  • Makeup

    To dream of the makeup of a person indicates the desire or the will of to not hide some personal quality or attribute accepted by others...

  • Making Out

    To dream of which it is making out something it represents a necessity or ability for the physical tact and the spiritual connection generally...

  • Malachite

    To see or wear malachite in your dream symbolizes quietness, tranquility, and unwinding...

  • Malice

    To dream of the malice of people to affect it in your business means orientation necessity in your life, to save friendships or traditions of your family or to process your emotions appropriately...

  • Mall

    To dream of a mall means tenacity in the face of the adversity, determination of to go forward or to love the freedom without limits...

  • Mallet

    To dream of a mallet means the appearance of new ideas, the arrival of something with a lot of passion or the manifestation of an incredible and very beneficial matter...

  • Malpractice

    Dreaming of a malpractice is omened that something that is making bad exists and this can complicate you the life...

  • Malt

    To dream of a malt or malted drink represents an exciting relationship but taken a risk by what symbolizes to exceed or to not stimulate the increase of something wanted...

  • Mammoths

    To dream of mammoths represents the permanency of feelings very personal and linked to the origins and influences of your family...

  • Man

    Dreaming of a man standing in front of you it is represented the attributes of force, impulse and push that it will possess you to reach something particularly wanted...

  • Man Of War

    To dream of a man of the war insinuates that you will be separating people that more you love and need sentimentally...

  • Manager

    Dreaming of a manager is represented to take the center of something or to establish the price from something to prioritize for the objectives and ambitions that it has...

  • Manatee

    To dream of a manatee demonstrates the vicinity of something happy, prosperous or very gentle as a long stay in the lukewarm and calm waters of a river of the tropic...

  • Mandala

    To dream of a mandala it means the force of the self, it is magic, wisdom, to be able to and an enormous love to the oriental culture of which is part...

  • Mango

    To dream of a mango represents a great fantasy erotic, a passion without limits or the unfolding from the cult to the sexual symbols oldest...

  • Manhattan

    Dreaming of manhattan is omened recognitions to important or successful acting in the businesses...

  • Maniac

    To dream of a maniac represents an attack, a damage or a difficulty for a situation unaware to your will and that it can push you on the edge of a crisis...

  • Manicure

    To dream that you are getting a manicure symbolizes the fascination and the charm of you for the beautiful and useful things...

  • Manna

    To dream of the manna is suggesting that your actions are mistaken that you don't think that consciously that you make and that don't want to remember what you carried out yesterday...

  • Mannequin

    To dream of a mannequin insinuates for the individual passivity, enjoyment of pleasures and ephemeral recreations in the next future...

  • Mannequins

    Dreaming of mannequins is omened a difficult moment in your life where you will manifest all the force or courage in front of an unknown danger...

  • Manners

    To dream of the manners in the table when eating means successes in your social relationships and with your business...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 287

Magpie, Magpies, Mahjong, Maid, Maids, Mail, Mailbox, Mailman, Makeup, Making Out, Malachite, Malice, Mall, Mallet, Malpractice, Malt, Mammoths, Man, Man Of War, Manager, Manatee, Mandala, Mango, Manhattan, Maniac, Manicure, Manna, Mannequin, Mannequins, Manners, Dreams Meanings Starting with M

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.