Dreams Meanings Symbols between Knife and Krishna

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Knife

    Dreaming of a knife is represented the anger, the hostility or the dissatisfaction that you have kept per years inside your soul...

  • Knife Grinder

    To dream of a knife grinder means intent of solving a problem, to burden somebody to obtain something or to block a task quickly...

  • Knife Sharpener

    To dream of a knife sharpener represents to improve the sense established to obtain a desire very difficult or conflicting...

  • Knight

    Dreaming of a knight is omened loyalty, honesty and modesty before all your actions in your life...

  • Knitting

    To dream of a knitting demonstrates a life of serene, calm and affectionate house or to think ideas and very creative and beneficial projects...

  • Knob

    To dream of a wooden knob means that you are not paying the enough attention to certain interesting matter in your life...

  • Knocker

    A knocker in a dream symbolizes an opportunity, a success or an occasion of executing an idea or personal project without controls or limitations...

  • Knocking

    To dream of knocking a boy means that you have taken too many freedoms and advantages on other people and this won't bring good consequences...

  • Knots

    To dream of the knots of some shoes means a concern or difficulty that it will be resolved in an agile way...

  • Knuckles

    To dream of seeing knuckles demonstrates the hard work, the thoroughness of the work and the comfort that it offers the fruits of the work...

  • Koala

    To dream of a koala symbolizes the love to the nature, the fight to conserve it and to live in a better world...

  • Koala Bears

    To dream of koala bears it means the satisfaction of a desire related with the affection, with the solidarity and the friendship...

  • Komodo Dragon

    A Komodo dragon in a dream expresses primitive desires that are insignificant in the life sometimes...

  • Komodo Dragons

    To dream of a Komodo Dragons regularly implies that you have to be more adaptable in your reasoning and choice making...

  • Koran

    To dream of Koran demonstrates your strong connection with the spiritual aspects of the life, your permanent relationship with the pure potential and with the Universe...

  • Krepes

    Free online dream interpretation of Krepes. Understand the meaning of Krepes in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Krepes dream.

  • Krishna

    To dream of Krishna represents the supernatural love and the spiritual knowledge that stimulate the pure potential or the Universe...

Dreams 61 - 77 of 77

Knife, Knife Grinder, Knife Sharpener, Knight, Knitting, Knob, Knocker, Knocking, Knots, Knuckles, Koala, Koala Bears, Komodo Dragon, Komodo Dragons, Koran, Krepes, Krishna, Dreams Meanings Starting with K

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.