Dreams Meanings Symbols between Dartboard and Deck

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Dartboard

    To dream of a dartboard suggests something that will press you to adjust or to improve the steps in family and work matters...

  • Darts

    Dreaming of darts is suggested to perfect your communication and to understand your friends better to achieve your objectives...

  • Date

    To dream of a date indicates that you have maintained some aspects or matters of the family that have been hidden secretly during many years...

  • Dates

    Dreaming of commemorative dates approaches party and happiness to the family...

  • Daughter

    To dream of a daughter demonstrates your connection in real terms with the family, with the necessity of to have affection branch or to achieve attributes and recognitions for near people to you...

  • Daughter-In-Law

    To dream of a daughter-in-law indicates that a not wanted circumstance or sudden it will cause joy and incredible happiness, moving away sadness or anguish...

  • Dawn

    Dreaming of a dawn is represented the rebirth, the awakening or the revitalization of plans, desires or purposes missed per years but almost forgotten...

  • Day

    To dream of a day special represents a clear idea or the satisfaction of a good action that you could carry out for the quality of your feelings and for your calm of conscience...

  • Daybreak

    To dream of the daybreak represents the beginning and obtaining of the personal objectives or the beginning of an enormous task with many benefits...

  • Daycare

    To dream of a daycare center suggests protection and tranquility in the studies or in the work, rejection to the daily responsibilities in the job or with the family...

  • Days

    To see in a dream something that it happens days means a phase, period or a moment of development, of conflict or of tension...

  • Dead

    Dreaming of a dead in the morgue is omened that you will witness the end of something, like it can be a business, a friendship or a love...

  • Dead / Alive

    An individual dead-alive that appears in a dream it expresses complex premonitions that it is related with the wealth, with the unexpected or with the participation in an important event...

  • Dead Body

    To dream of a dead body represents a premonition on an area of the life that has changed a loss or a failure that it takes toward a transition or an end...

  • Dead End

    Dreaming of a dead end is expressed the possibility of knowing how to find an exit to the error and the defeat with the employment of the reasoning...

  • Dead Relatives

    To dream of dead relatives represents an aspect of a person and of the memories that are exposed in the surface of their individuality generally...

  • Deadline

    To dream of a deadline means the culmination or the termination of something that it will cause a feeling of pressure or accuses...

  • Deaf

    To dream of a deaf man walking down the street of your house means that your petitions are not or they won't be assisted and very probably not even kept in mind...

  • Death

    To dream of the death means hope and life as well as a magnificent health accompanied by a way of living healthy and pleasant...

  • Death (Dead)

    To dream of the death means a mystery of their past that you don’t want to disclose or a defect of your personality that doesn't interest you to change...

  • Death Sentence

    To dream of a death sentence represents premonitions of avoidable failure or an irreversible loss in the physical or in the financial things...

  • Debate

    To dream of a debate make to think of a decision that it has not been made wisely or an action made with a limited sincerity...

  • Debt

    Dreaming of a debt is omened the arrival of somebody that will give you the compensation for the accident that have your automobile last year...

  • Decals

    To dream of decals in the wall of your room is means impatience, insecurity or to change the existent situation positively...

  • Decapitation

    Dreaming of a decapitation is denounced loss of values and family complications...

  • Decay

    Dreaming of the decay is omened to take that ignored by own will or to necessarily face a problematic situation...

  • Deceased

    Dreaming of a deceased in your casket denounced a future pregnancy is not foreseen and not wanted in your family...

  • December

    To dream of the month of December can represent an improvement of the personal fortune, a cheerful occasion of unit and family peace or a moment of balancing accounts of that carried out during the year with the colleagues...

  • Deception

    To dream of the deception for something denounces a fact that will cause lack of trust, doubts, disillusion and uneasiness in somebody...

  • Deck

    To dream of being in the deck of a craft means the support, the hang and the relationship of the physical existence with the soul deep and firm of the humanity...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 291

Dartboard, Darts, Date, Dates, Daughter, Daughter-In-Law, Dawn, Day, Daybreak, Daycare, Days, Dead, Dead / Alive, Dead Body, Dead End, Dead Relatives, Deadline, Deaf, Death, Death (Dead), Death Sentence, Debate, Debt, Decals, Decapitation, Decay, Deceased, December, Deception, Deck, Dreams Meanings Starting with D

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.