Clothes Hanger Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Clothes Hanger Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Clothes Hanger Dream Meaning:

Dreaming of a clothes hanger on your window is omened the existence of matters that they are hanging and it should solve as soon as possible. To dream of a hanger of exhibition clothes hanger in a store means that soon you will go shopping to a famous market. If you dream of a clothes hanger of wooden expressed your good ways to behave with the other ones in your life. A hanger of clothes of plastic in a dream represents the flexibility in your ideas to assume difficult challenges.

Consequently, the dream about a metal clothes hanger means strength and labor discipline generally. But if the hanger of clothes is broken or deteriorated in the dream it indicates that you are about to take a difficult step that can damage other people.

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Clothes Hanger Dreams

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