Clean Shaven Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Clean Shaven Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Clean Shaven Dream Meaning:

If somebody is clean-shaven during a dream means that all your debts or problems will be solved very soon. To dream of somebody that is clean-shaven represents to be ready to clean, to purify or to improve a complicated and old situation. If you dream of a friend that is clean-shaven in a party you will discover in a direct way the form of obtaining something for your house. Dreaming of a relative that is clean-shaven on a bed is expressed the absence or the loss of a dear person for long time.

On the other hand, the dream of seeing somebody clean-shaven will always allow giving a precise orientation to your steps in the life or even in the upbringing of your children. It is a premonition that means what it is what has to make to achieve your goals and objectives.

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Clean Shaven Dreams

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