Checkered Floors Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.
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Checkered Floors Dream Meaning:
To dream of the checkered floors represents conflict, insecurity, controversy in next moments of the public or private life. The checkered floors symbolize confrontation; the intensity will be expressed by the colors that possess the squares. So, dreaming of the checkered floors of black and white squares of a great living room of a party is omened successful closing of the complex negotiation that have you worried a while ago. If you dream of the checkered floors of red and white squares in a similar place like your office you will face a strong sue of a rigid client in the incoming week.
Generally, the dream about the checkered floors alert of lost of patience or control before a sentimental situation of the life. Measure the duration of the moment of uncertainty; don´t be surprise of anything. You are the teacher of your destiny, and the captain of your soul.
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