Castration Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Castration Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Castration Dream Meaning:

Dreaming of the castration is represented the exhaustion, the fatigue and the weakness caused by a lot of work. The castration means concern and apprehension for the lack of vitality or manliness that it is manifested in outstanding or important moments of your life. To dream of the castration of a pig advises to take your feeding habits or hours of food. If you dream of the castration of a young bull you could lose something of your personal attractiveness for not taking care of your individual hygiene.

Finally, the dream about the castration is a good advice that alerts or advises to stay healthy and to improve your quality of life, including the visit to the gym. Anything gets lost with this premonition, only the wisdom is acquired to be known yourself.

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Castration Dreams

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