Calluses Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Calluses Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Calluses Dream Meaning:

To dream of calluses in the hands or in the feet it indicates that a good work or an activity you will obtain in next days or that something wonderful it will be shortly his. The calluses symbolize hard work, forces in your actions and clear mind in your objectives in the life. If you dream of calluses in your hands you will be able to have a situation that will give you clarity for a new way of seeing the life. Dreaming of calluses in your right foot is omened a good perspective in your employment as chief accountant of a company currently.

At first, this dream will be made accompany of efforts, sacrifices and a long march to end up having what it omens as a positive or prosperous movement. The calluses will always be an expectation and a challenge for all person that wants to solve your necessities.

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Calluses Dreams

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