Boxing Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Boxing Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Boxing Dream Meaning:

A dream in which you are boxing it means near confrontation to a conflict or problem that it will damage your interests or that it will affect your more intimate feelings. To be boxing represents contact, trip or combat for inadequacy or sufficiency. If you dream of being boxing in a very dark and dirty gym you will be prepared to defend the points of view before the bosses of your company. Dreaming of being boxing in a very illuminated and clean gym it is omened a great calm and security in your ideas when presenting a family project to the office of investments of the county or parish.

Again and again, this dream has meant contradictions but also understandings when facing a necessary and genuine change in your life. This way, maintain the clarity of your reflections before any new or stranger thing to be able to you to handle appropriately.

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Boxing Dreams

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