Belt Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Belt Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Belt Dream Meaning:

To see a belt in a dream demonstrates control of an activity, the restricted course of your energies, the loss of something valuable or to be very hard with the friends and relatives. To dream of a belt means to be a person experienced in issues of businesses or very skilled being in the execution of manual works. If you dream of a belt of leather very wide you should be allowed to take for your instincts to fix a difficulty in the roof of your house. Dreaming of a belt of canvas very narrow is expressed the quality of your ideas to specify how they think some of your clients.

On the other hand, the dream about a belt can reflect your concern for the quality of your daily work, the aptitude of your attention to the relatives or the complexity of the obligations with your children. It could include it the fair of your premonitions about the direction or the security of what you want today.

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Belt Dreams

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