Beauty Pageant Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Beauty Pageant Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Beauty Pageant Dream Meaning:

To dream of a beauty pageant represents a situation in your life where you or others are competing to see who's "perfecter". It may also reflect a competition or rivalry to be seen as the most liked or most popular. Socially competing to see who finds it easiest to be liked the most.T o dream that you are in a beauty pageant also can indicate that you feel judged by superficial standards and also that you are feeling very competitive.

To dream that you are competing in a beauty pageant, represents your need to be better understood in a love relationship. You should try being more assertive and asking for what you want.

If you dream of winning the competition, this means you possess the necessary skills to accomplish a goal or solve a problem in your waking life.

If you merely watch a pageant in your dream, you are wasting money on social pleasures which you will later regret. Also, If you are watching a beauty pageant it may mean that you are needing to evaluate some people and situations in your life and may need more information about the best way to do this evauation.

In a very broad sense, dreaming of a beauty pageant if you are a woman, can point to self-esteem issues; either an over-emphasis on the physical or an under-appreciation for your internal qualities.

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Beauty Pageant Dreams

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