Arrested Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Arrested Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Arrested Dream Meaning:

To dream that you are arrested insinuates that you have some type of problem in your private or public life that it needs of urgent solution. It also indicates that you don't like it that limits your ideas, decisions or steps in your matters. If you dream of being arrested in a jail small and hot you will clarify with your boss the way to work and to fulfill your duties. Dreaming of being arrested in a big and cold jail seeks advice to rectify or to improve certain features of your personality or quality of your state of humor.

Therefore, this dream stimulates to file or to improve some aspects of your character or behavior that limit your communication with other people or that it causes in you move or remorse. Listen, meditate and later improve everything that that should be improved in you.

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Arrested Dreams

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