Amphisbaena Dreams Forum

Amphisbaena Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers

  • Seeing a black Amphisbaena in a dream

    Katono Irene - Thursday, March 17, 2016

    It all started by seeing an unknown man who wanted to have sex with me but I rejected him because I knew he always have sex with many women. He followed me on the way, met me in a crowd of all my family members and relatives standing on top of a tall termite mound (or anthill) he wanted to attack me but he failed because I fought back with my magical powers, that man decided grab my mother and put a black knife on my mother's neck threatening to cut her if I don't surrender to him. Still by the magical powers I had, I managed to remove that knife from his hand and I dropped it at the bottom of that tall anthill, but that knife turned in a black Amphisbaena and started running away. My relatives tried to kill it but it did not die. I begged my mother and my sisters that let us run away before this man attacks again but they refused to go with me, I left them there, then I woke up immediately.

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