666 Number Dreams Forum
666 Number Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers
Tatto with the number of 666 or slice in dice
Channon - Tuesday, May 17, 2016
When I was a kid, I always have this dream about being tattoo with the number 666 or you will be sliced in dice. I was falling in line with few people and we are facing a man with a samurai blade and like witch pot beside him and he ask the people who is falling inline which I was one of them, That I could be tattoo with a 666 mark in my forehead or sliced in dice. But then I was the first in line he didn't ask me and I run away and then I saw a rock structure and then I hide in it while hiding I was watching the people who was falling in line but something is different the man does not ask anymore he just sliced person into dice. (Also the place where my took place is my old house, and also I am a Christian)
The war 666
Aks - Monday, May 2, 2016
Well i woke up one morning in my dream and on the news it was talking about war and then i went out side and there where aircrafts flying around shooting misiles about every 30 seconds so i walked more towards the beach and then 1 misiles was shot my way so i started to run but i was like just drop so i droped to the ground and put some black sheet over me i heard it landed and i jumped up and went to run home and then i just randomly look in the sky and i see in clear numbers 666 and then somthing happend i dont know then i look in the air again qnd i see all black smoke or something and i heard a voice run inside so i ran all the way home and i was like nan everyone shut the door we cant breath the air, thqn i was like lets go go now lets travel far away for no one can get us and then me and my friend went down to the beach for some reason and all fish and squid was is balls of seaweed and we were talking to each other like is everything ment to die or something the end.
Goat man dream 6:66
Des - Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Standing in corner of room watching myself sleep when a black goat man wearing a large crown barged in and stood there making me feel scared. Woke up saying I had to kill something at 6:66.
666 dream
Lincoln - Saturday, April 2, 2016
6 person in line I pulled the number 6 and it was 6 o'clock. 666 number in a second.
666 Number Nightmare
Gugu - Friday, March 4, 2016
I had a dream where I was in those outfits which I slept in, I saw a huge mirror and a lady standing facing towards the mirror, than she wrote 666 on the mirror with red lipstick, but I wasn't able to see her face. I don't even know what 666 stands for.
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