15 Number Dreams Forum
15 Number Dreams Forum - Questions and Answers
15 Years Old?
Ellie - Wednesday, April 20, 2016
In the dream, I'm fifteen years old and pregnant with my boyfriends baby. In real life, I'm single, not fifteen years old, and don't actually know the boy who was my boyfriend in the dream.
15 number squared and drowning
Belen - Saturday, March 5, 2016
I started off in the water. A lake near a waterfall. I then saw myself sink under water. I couldn't breathe and I also couldn't bring myself back up. Then the water carried me away. I believe I was going very fast. I could only hear 1 voice. The voice sounded electronic. He kept on saying 15 squared, 15 squared, 15 squared, over and over again. I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. I felt stuck in my body. I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air. I felt as if I was screaming and kicking my legs yelling help in my sleep. I kept on telling myself not to panic, because it was only a dream. I would soon wake up.
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